Thursday, June 16, 2011


No new car for me until tomorrow :(
The dealership never bothered to check their e-mail, so they didn't have my insurance information. They weren't able to get the Trip Permit for my car so I could take it to the mechanics to get safetied and e-tested. I'll be able to go get it tomorrow though. So it's not too bad. I wanted it now though. It means it won't be ready until Monday :(
So as you know, I've decided to lose weight. So far it's a slow but fairly steady process. I've joined Weight Watchers, I'm part of a weight loss group with my ABG mama's on Facebook, and I'm trying to walk at least 4km a day... even on weekends. For the past two days I've been walking flip flops, or my Burke's... Bad bad bad bad bad idea. Not only do my feet hurt, they get dirty, and my calves are aching. I carry D-Man in his Ergo, which is nice, because I hate strollers, but I don't think that's helping my poor calves lol.
While walking today I went by the Canada Post office downtown, they're on strike for some reason (I'm sure it matters to them but I just don't really care). I didn't think it would effect me at all, but I forgot about all my online shopping deliveries that they won't send me anymore. Stupid strike.
The deal of the day sites I frequent don't seem to care about the plight of us poor Canadians either. We're just stuck waiting for it to all be over before we get our packages. Although Baby Heist has come up with a wonderful idea. They're using a courier service, but they said that if you pay for a flat rate box, they'll hold all your purchases until the box is full and then send it. Instead of paying for courier delivery on each individual purchase. I think that's awesome. Too bad I'm completely broke from buying my car lol.

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