Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Haha the travel bug has officially bitten this Mama's impressive behind for sure.

As you know, I took the boys on vacation to Jamaica in February/March. I haven't gotten around to blogging about it until now though.

It was amazing! I'm in love, with the place, the people, the food, the everything.

I've always had a soft spot for Jamaica (D-Man is 1/2 Jamaican lol so of course I would) and this vacation just went to show how amazing it was. It's soooooo beautiful there. The people are so nice, and even though there is poverty we never felt unsafe.

We flew into Montego Bay, and were bussed to our hotel in Negril (Beaches Sandy Bay) which as of Sept will no longer be a Beaches property. The boys were both amazing on the flight. Mister M got to watch TV, sit by the window, talk with the flight crew (Westjet is the best!) and D-Man slept 90% of the flight there lol.

It was beautiful. We had a ground floor room, with a patio, you could see the ocean and the gardens from our door.

We had a little gecko that hung outside on the patio that the boys made friends with, and there were lots of beautiful birds that flew around all the time.

The food was wonderful! We stayed at an all inclusive resort so there were buffet style meals pretty much all day. It was great for us because we could eat when the kids were hungry instead of at scheduled times, or when we could find a place.

We spend a lot of time on the beach, playing in the sand, soaking up the sun, swimming in the ocean. That was the main goal for this trip, to just relax as a family and have fun together. We didn't plan on doing a million things once we were there, just chilling.

We made some awesome friends too, E and K are both amazing men, who I still keep in contact with. They were great with the kids, showing us some neat things we wouldnt' have seen normally and spending time with us.

We did go on a few excursions though. We went into Negril and looked around, it was pretty neat, and we went on a tour through a couple Parishes to Black River. Once we were there we got to go on a boat cruise through the black river and see crocodiles, birds, mangroves, and a million other beautiful things. It was so different from everything we've seen at home. The captain was great, very good at what he does, and Mister M really enjoyed seeing the crocodiles.

After our boat cruise we went to this awful little place (with an amazing view) for lunch. Honestly the worst meal we had the entire time... the staff acted like we were causing them problems by existing. There were a bunch of people from the US with us as we all felt the same.

After the awful lunch, we went to the most beautiful place I've ever seen. Its a little known spot called YS Falls. Gorgeous waterfalls, and an amazing mineral pool to wade in after. I think it was my favourite part of the entire trip. And I got to meet a cute boy too lol.

On our way back we drove through other parts of the parishes to see how the people really lived, and we even stopped at a road side stand for fresh crawdads. I don't eat them but Mister M really loved it, I was so impressed lol.

The flight back was awful, it was full of crying babies, D-Man had developed a cold just a few days before and was miserable and not sleeping the entire time. But luckily it was only 4 hours, and we were back in the cold, cold, cold March air :(

We will be going back to Jamaica for sure.