Sunday, February 20, 2011


I love shopping, the thrill of the hunt, the finding of awesome deals, the getting out of the house and interacting with other adults.
I'm not addicted or anything, but I do enjoy it. Even grocery shopping. I also hate shopping alone, I bring both the boys with me whenever possible, it makes it more fun for us all.

(The boys in the Nursing Room at our Mall)

Lately I've been doing a lot of online shopping, I have a credit card, a student one with a limit of $1000.00 CAD. It's perfect for me, I don't ever need to spend more than a grand at one time and even though my bank keeps pestering me to increase the limit I'm content where I am. I go to the usual online sites Chapters (to get things they don't have in stores, I love going to the store though), Toys and Babies R Us (the closest one is 40+ minutes away and I don't have my car yet) Cheeky Monkey (a super awesome site based in London Ontario and Mister M's online games, Lego Universe, Jumpstart and Wizard 101.

Then I discovered deal of the day sites (Babysteals, Kidsteals, Babyheist, Ecobabybuys and Mamabargans) let me just say, they're awesome! Deals on baby and kid stuff up to 80% less than retail price, and they usually have popular items. I got an ERGO baby carrier for less than $75 CAD including shipping, a JuJuBe mini clutch diaper bag for $12 CAD including shipping, and thats just starting out.
It's very exciting! I can't wait to see if I can find other items that I wouldn't dream of buying at full price, in my modest range. :)

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