Monday, February 28, 2011


I have decided to become a scrapbooker! I'm a complete and utter failure at keeping baby books updated with all the facts and dates. So after doing some research I think the best way for me to keep track of all the memories that matter most is to scrap them and journal them. I've just started getting my first couple of pages done. When I finish I'll post some pictures for sure!
In other news we've got teeth! Both Mister M and D-Man have been working on the bottom front two teeth, and I'm pleased to say they have come through! D-Man is still grouchy though so I'm thinking he's getting the top two teeth too, we'll see.

We're going to be pretty busy this spring. Mister M is taking two swimming lessons, an art class, a dance class and T-Ball, and D-Man and I are starting Mommy and me lessons every Saturday. It should be fun, the past couple of weeks while Mister M is in his lessons we've been getting close to the water to watch, and D-Man is loving it. He's a huge fan of splashing in the bath so this should be pretty fun for him.
While bathing suit shopping though I came to the realization that I need to get my butt in gear and drop the rest of the pregnancy pounds, and get into shape. So I've signed up for Weight Watchers Online (I'd never go to a meeting), I'm on day two and so far I've stuck to my points, only going 2 over (we had doughnuts...) but I made them up with cleaning my house and playing with my boys, so it's all good. Hopefully I'll be able to lose the weight fast enough that I don't get discouraged. I'd like to be able to buy new jeans that fit right and don't look like mom jeans lol. I'll keep updating on my progress as I go. Now just to get back into doing my workout... Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I love shopping, the thrill of the hunt, the finding of awesome deals, the getting out of the house and interacting with other adults.
I'm not addicted or anything, but I do enjoy it. Even grocery shopping. I also hate shopping alone, I bring both the boys with me whenever possible, it makes it more fun for us all.

(The boys in the Nursing Room at our Mall)

Lately I've been doing a lot of online shopping, I have a credit card, a student one with a limit of $1000.00 CAD. It's perfect for me, I don't ever need to spend more than a grand at one time and even though my bank keeps pestering me to increase the limit I'm content where I am. I go to the usual online sites Chapters (to get things they don't have in stores, I love going to the store though), Toys and Babies R Us (the closest one is 40+ minutes away and I don't have my car yet) Cheeky Monkey (a super awesome site based in London Ontario and Mister M's online games, Lego Universe, Jumpstart and Wizard 101.

Then I discovered deal of the day sites (Babysteals, Kidsteals, Babyheist, Ecobabybuys and Mamabargans) let me just say, they're awesome! Deals on baby and kid stuff up to 80% less than retail price, and they usually have popular items. I got an ERGO baby carrier for less than $75 CAD including shipping, a JuJuBe mini clutch diaper bag for $12 CAD including shipping, and thats just starting out.
It's very exciting! I can't wait to see if I can find other items that I wouldn't dream of buying at full price, in my modest range. :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Well it's been quite a while since I've posted on here. I've got several things to talk about though so over the next few days I'll hopefully have a couple new blogs.

Today is all about the random stuff that's been happening in our lives. D-Man is 6 months old today!!! We're going to try solids for the first time at dinner and see how that goes. I'm excited, it'll be nice to be able to give him a baby mummum when he's fussing while we're out, instead of having to nurse right away. I'm still going to be breastfeeding though. I nursed Mister M for 19.5 months and I'm going to try to at least go to 18 months with D-Man.
Mister M has lost his two bottom teeth! It's exciting to see him so proud of his new grown-up teeth. He's been showing everyone he meets. D-Man is getting his first tooth too, it's finally broken through the gum, and now you can almost see it, you sure can feel it though.

Mister M went on a field trip the other day to Camp Kawartha, they did all kinds of outdoor activities, learned about the water cycle and pretended to be squirrels, he had a blast. I didn't go with him because I was at home with D-Man, but I feel bad, I never had my mom or dad with me on trips because they we're at home with my younger siblings or working (well just my dad, my mom was a SAHM until I was 13). I can remember wanting them there and I didn't have that, I'm hoping that next year I'll be able to do a couple of trips because D-Man will be in daycare and I'll be back in school so I won't be busy all day (and I'm totally willing to play hookie to go on a field trip lol).

Mister M's swimming lessons are going well, he's getting better each time, I'm thinking of putting him in two times a week starting next session (so early March) it'll cost me a bit more, but I think he'll really like it. I'm also signing D-Man and I up for baby and me swimming lessons. It'll be nice to get him used to the pool early and hopefully by the summer he'll be excited to have his own kiddy pool in the backyard. Now all I have to do is find a bathing suit that fits and, more importantly, doesn't make me look like I'm still pregnant.... eek.

I've been trying to lose weight, get in shape that kind of thing. So far I've lost 5lbs... which is okay, but since I've been sick (we all got the cold thats been going around) I haven't been doing my workouts, so I'm not progressing as well as I should be. But starting this week I'm going to get back into it, D-Man is starting to take a 30 min nap every morning, so I'm going to do the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred during that time, because start to finish it's 30 minutes. Hopefully I'll see some results soon! Or win the lottery and screw working out, tummy tuck and lipo it all away lol.